I have found out that appropriate information actually solves many problems,unemployment inclusive.Most of our youths are unemployed today not just because there are no job opportunities,but because in most cases,they do not know where to find these opportunities.This being so,i shall from time to time bring to your knowledge the areas and sectors where Nigerians could seek employment or tap into government's plans and initiatives in order to become self-employed.
The following are some key government programmes focused on direct job creation:
- Community Service Scheme(SURE-P)
- To engage 320,000 youths in labour-intensive work such as construction and rehabilitation of social and economic infrastructure.
- About 120,000 employed so far.
- The scheme aims to attach 50,000 graduates to competent firms to enhance skills development towards employability.
- 4,000 graduates have been matched so far.
- The Business Plan Competition has successfully run two of its three cycles and is now in its third cycle.
- 2,400 winners have been selected and 26,000 jobs have been directly created in different sectors of the economy.At least 80,000 jobs are expected by 2015.
- This scheme is directly under the Office of the Special Assistant on Job Creation.It is aimed at empowering the unemployed population with adequate entrepreneurial skills and thereafter beneficiaries would receive loans with very low interest rates to enable them start up their businesses.
- To qualify for this scheme,a participant must furnish the office of the SA with his/her personal data by picking up and completing a Personal Data Form.
- For more inquiries on this,call;08124001159.
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