Monday, 11 May 2015


I have read with dismay the evil committed in the so called houses of God in Nigeria. I do not know but maybe the high rate of poverty is what makes Nigerians the highest number of worshipers in the world even thou this does not reflect in our treatment of one another. The Bible says "love your neighbor as yourself". This quote is the direct opposite of what transpires in our society.

What i hear now is how so called men of God use their female members including married women. Sometime in Abuja, precisely in Nyanya a pastor claimed he had God given powers to make women pregnant and he could only transfer the power by sleeping with the women. poor women looking for fruit of the womb flocked  his church in search of a child. A certain woman from the church invited her friend to service knowing she was looking for a child.

Her friend attended church with her and stood up to be recognized as a first timer, it was at that point that she was asked to stay back and see pastor after service. Read more after cut
She stayed back and when it got to her turn she went in to see the pastor and told pastor her problem, to add salt to her wound the pastor asked to go into an inner room and strip naked for the anointing session, she did but because she was not sure what that meant she called her husband who arrived the church premises with the police and the pastor was arrested and charged to court.

Shortly after that another female member of COZA (Ese Walter) accused pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of luring her to sex starting in London where she went to study while her pastor came visiting on pastoral mission. She went to visit him at the hotel he was staying in Central London. Pastor offered her some alcohol and said she should free after all they were not in Nigeria. She too obliged and things happened. When she returned to Nigeria and attended church pastor acted like he didn't know her, she discussed with another female member who warned her to shut her mouth cos she's not the only one. Before pastor Biodun left London he told her to keep their little secret and remember God said "TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED AND DO MY PROPHET NO HARM"(lol) indeed.

Some members of COZA came out to tell their pastor to come clean but he said God asked him to keep quite. Those who attend COZA can check with CAN illorin Kwara State chapter to know more about pastor Biodun and why he left Ilorin for Abuja.

Now a man has written the General Overseer of Winners chapel saying a pastor in His church snatched his wife, took her to Dubai and secretly married her. How Daddy (as he's fondly called by his members) will settle this matter is what am waiting to hear and see.

It is bad enough that men of God or Apostles as some call themselves use tithing in the Bible to strip their members of their last dime without telling them what tithing was meant for in the Old Testament but do not stop there and go ahead to commit unspoken atrocities and are protected by the verse above together with church members who are ready to take anyone who tries their pastor down.

The question is "Do we read our bibles upside down?" If not we should know these things and stop deceiving ourselves. I will be writing about people's personal experiences in churches just share the stories and alert my dear female church goers about the things that go on in the anointed places of God and names will be called.

Let us continue to go to church and worship God not man. In the nearest future God himself will reveal the evil men and by their deeds we shall know them.

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