Sunday, 26 April 2015



My Observations

The elections have come and gone. There are winners and losers. However, we must remember that the incoming administration and party "All Progressive Congress" have a well articulated manifesto APC Manifesto which they have promised will be the guiding principle of their ruler-ship. It is therefore important that we take a critical look at what this manifesto is saying in terms of Job Creation, Youth & Women Empowerment and very importantly "Where To Vote.
It is eye catching that the technology used in ensuring a free and credible election that helped usher in the incoming administration (The Card Reader) is conspicuously absent in this categorically scripted manifesto and no mention is made of its use in subsequent elections, rather what I see here is voters register. Continue reading after the cut.

Job Creation JC is been given some preference in this manifesto. A welcomed development with all the forward looking initiatives proposed to help the country create jobs for the many unemployed Nigerians. If you have read the manifesto or as you read the manifesto, pay keen attention to "Land Use act" where the APC intend to amend the constitution so as to accommodate certain interest and programs that will lawfully favor the APC/GMB lead administration. The APC in their manifesto has no seeming legislation in sight to give Job Creation activities/initiatives a legal framework for sustainability which posses a threat to the future of the good plans and or works that will be implemented to foster employment generation.  

The assistance of Nollywood is a good idea, but it should be made clear that Nollywood doesn't seem to be the head of the entire creative and entertainment industry in Nigeria, but in any case, I feel strengthening of the entertainment/creative sector is what the APC/GMB incoming government should be paying attention to which includes Nollywood, making it more competitive in the global market. I also did not see a strong commitment to fighting "PIRACY" which is the bane of this sector. Pirates are robbing those who put in time, money and initiatives to sustain themselves in the industry billions of Naira annually. The industry has strived and created millions of jobs even without government support. However, what the government can do to help this industry is to have strict penalties for offenders even stiff jail terms and trust me, this is what the industry needs to grow.

My Questions

1) Does this mean the use of card readers will be left out in coming elections and back to our old ways?
2) Does it mean that there wont be any legal framework with its prayers amended into the constitution so as the emphasize the seriousness of government in creating jobs for Nigerians?
3) What will APC/GMB do about PIRACY in Nigeria?

The APC as written in her Manifesto "is not a conclave of cardinals" but of cause we'll agree the party has some reasonable number of technocrats and professional who truly want to help change Nigeria.

Lastly for now I'll advice every Nigerian to go check out, read and digest the APC Manifesto
see for yourself what can be beneficial to you and our country Nigeria.

I will continue my discussion on "WHAT NEXT" after your comments. GOD BLESS NIGERIA!

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